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Empower your teams to make the most out of Rhythm with our training & support.



Fast track your growth with Rhythm’s Onboarding Programs

Onboarding the Executive Team

Start your executive team on Rhythm effortlessly with guided onboarding.

Build strong, accountable executive team with Rhythm's Executive Onboarding.

Rhythm's onboarding experts will help your executive team understand and implement the framework, build actionable plans, create the right metrics and execute perfectly, over the period of 2-4 months.

We'll make sure your core team is ready to crush their goals and transform the way they work, with step-by-step onboarding!

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Onboarding Departments

Roll out Rhythm across other departments & get all your teams working in sync.

Create company-wide impact by cascading Rhythm across your organization.

Your executive team is on the right track—but your whole organization needs to be driving in the same direction if you want to eliminate lack of accountability and have visibility on your progress.

Our Rhythm Success Managers will ensure all departments adopt Rhythm and can solve problems before they derail your plan.

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Onboarding New Hires

Give your new hires a productive start and get them aligned and moving towards the same goals.

Give your new employees the knowledge & the tools to track progress, make adjustments and crush their goals.

You want a quick, efficient way for your new hires to adopt Rhythm and get their goals in line with the company.

This is where Rhythm's Training comes into picture. With the option of a 1 hour virtual class and a half-day workshop, our course gives the complete rundown on Rhythm's framework and software so your employees know exactly what to do.

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As part of the onboarding, Rhythm Success Managers will help you:

  • Set a timeline for implementation and make sure your team adopts Rhythm.
  • Build the right habits to sustain growth and high performance.
  • Prepare you to facilitate your planning session to ensure you draw out fresh ideas.
  • Review your plan, goals and KPIs and make your plans airtight, actionable and impactful.
  • Eliminate misalignment and create a culture of accountability within the exec team.
  • Train your team on the software so that your senior leadership are comfortable with it and stay on track.
  • Facilitate your first weekly meetings and transform them from status updates to adjustment meetings.
  • Teach you how to use Rhythm University and Certifications to propel your growth.

Weekly Meeting Coaching & Feedback

Get weekly meeting coaching and feedback to ensure top performance across the organization, every week.

What is it?

Guarantee focus, alignment and accountability to the plan by hiring a Rhythm Success Manager to keep you on track. Get monthly feedback on your weekly meetings where a Rhythm expert attends one team weekly meeting, checks your plan and ensures you are sticking to your promises.

Why do I need it?

Prevent teams from lapsing into old routines & missing deadlines.

You started off strong, but a small drop here, and a missed deadline there are all it takes to get your plans to crash. Your weekly meetings have become stale and feel like a chore.
You need to be held accountable. You need help with adjustments. You need support to get back in the game after a priority falls off.
And this is exactly what our weekly meeting coaching and feedback program can help you with. To transform your weekly meetings from status updates to problem solving.

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Here's how a Weekly Coaching Program will help your team stay accountable:

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  • A Rhythm expert will sit in on one executive or departmental meeting every month & give feedback.
  • Make sure you are having the right discussions to solve problems and make progress.
  • Ensure you get aligned and stay aligned over the entire year.
  • Help you and your teams stay accountable to your goals and vision.



Advanced Training to Maximize Rhythm

Set your teams up for consistent success and make the most of Rhythm with Advanced Training

What is it?

Give your existing employees a chance to learn advanced features and brush up their Rhythm knowledge. Make sure you enter the next quarter armed with the right skills to achieve every target.

Why do I need it?

Keep important knowledge fresh and current—and make learning part of your culture.

Our software is constantly evolving and developing new features. Your employees often aren't using Rhythm to its full capacity and seldom-used features are often forgotten.

You need to keep expertise of the company running at top levels, and make sure all your teams are on the same page.

That's what Rhythm's Advanced Training Program is for. We help your existing employees stay up-to-date with the software and maximize the impact it can have on your growth!

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Here's what Advanced Training with Rhythm can help you with:

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  • Identify any usage gaps that are stopping you from using Rhythm to its full potential.
  • Increase software adoption and help your employees learn advanced features to reach their goals faster.
  • Build new skills that foster alignment, accountability and high performance.
  • Customize the training session to your company requirements.
  • With both 1 hour & 1/2 day formats available, help employees develop the know-how needed to execute better, faster.

Rhythm Expert Certification Program

Take Rhythm expertise in-house. Train a dedicated employee to be your very own Rhythm Expert.

What is it?

With the Rhythm Expert Certification Program, you can train someone in-house to own the planning process for the company. They will keep you accountable to scheduling the planning sessions and prepare team leaders to facilitate their session.

They will learn how to put the plan in Rhythm software, review your plans, manage cross-functional projects and handle the admin responsibilities in Rhythm for you.

Why do I need it?

You need an in-house Rhythm expert that you can turn to any time, anywhere.

With this program, your company will have an expert on staff to make sure you get the most of of Rhythm.

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Here's what we train your internal Rhythm leader to help with:

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  • Build a culture of high-performance by eliminating miscommunication and silos.
  • Building Job Scorecards that outline the roles and responsibilities of each employee.
  • Setting measurable goals with set success criteria that you can track.
  • Facilitating great, productive meetings that lead to action, not just talk.
  • Connecting your big 3-5 year goals to actionable quarterly goals.
  • Prioritizing the most important tasks and building the right KPIs for execution.
  • Cascading plans across teams and linking priorities cross-functionally.
  • Ensuring all teams stay aligned and accountable with Daily Huddles and Weekly Meetings.
icon-Medal As part of the program, your Rhythm Expert receives a ticket to the Rhythm Annual Conference where they will be provided education to keep their Certification current.

Bring your teams together and be a leader who gets things done.

Make the right choice for your business. Use Rhythm training to get your whole organization working towards the same goals, at their 100%.

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