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Using Rhythm for 1:1 Meetings

Capture private meetings to stay organized as you improve your performance over time

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Note: This content reflects our Premium software's default features and labels. For any questions, please email help@rhythmsystems.com.

Why Use Rhythm for 1:1 Meetings

Using Rhythm already simplifies performance conversations because you are sharing progress and getting feedback on your goals every week. Having the continuous cycle of feedback takes the pressure off these performance meetings because you and your leader both already know where things stand—no surprises!

You're already clear on your role, you know what success looks like on your goals, and your manager knows how you've been doing on those goals week to week. Your performance discussions can shift from updating on the status of projects or rehashing issues from many months ago and become more valuable as you reflect on your future goals, examine patterns, and seek coaching on skills and competencies you are developing.

How to Use 1:1 Meetings

This feature is only available to companies with access to our Performance Management tools. Reach out to us at help@rhythmsystems.com for more information.

We've given you a simple way to create a 1:1 Meeting from anywhere to help make those performance conversations easier.

  1. Create a new meeting from the Execution Summary screen, the Meetings screen, or the Performance Management screen.
    (If you are using My Rhythm,  you can get to the 1:1 Meetings using the Meetings icon in the top menu: )
  2. Choose who you're meeting with and the date and time. Make it a recurring meeting (weekly, monthly, etc) so you don't have to create a new record each time. If it's a virtual meeting, you can add a Teams or Zoom link or a room name if you're in person.
  3. Save the meeting (you can invite more attendees or pick a custom meeting agenda for your 1:1s under Additional Details if needed.)
  4. You can take notes, capture follow-up tasks, and use our built-in agenda to guide a meaningful conversation or customize your own meeting agenda templates to use. You don't have to spend time wondering what to talk about - the data is there, and so is the best practice agenda.
  5. When you're done, you can mark the Meeting complete.

Note: Your 1:1 Meetings are all private by default. Only people that you specifically add as Attendees will have access to the meeting and the associated Comments, Tasks, Attachments, and Notes.