Connect to your company’s strategy, get clear on your role, and easily track your progress on job performance and career growth goals.
My Rhythm Overview
Performance Reviews in My Rhythm
Why My Rhythm
My Rhythm gives you an easy way to set and keep track of goals from anywhere! Here are some of the benefits:
- no surprises in your next performance review
- always know what’s expected of you and how you’re doing on your important goals
- see the big picture of your company’s strategy
- document a plan to grow your skills for the future
Best of all, it’s all on a simple mobile-first application so you can update on your phone in a matter of minutes.
Navigating My Rhythm
Goals Home
You’ll primarily be working from the goals home screen to add and update your Job goals and Growth & Project goals.
You can click on the goal name to open the detail screen if you need to work on Tasks, Attachments, or Comments for the goals, or you can quickly status, edit, or delete goals right from this screen.
Tip: Click the home icon in the top header to get to this screen easily from anywhere in the app.
Left Menu
Click your initials or photo in the top left corner of the screen to open the left menu. From here you can:
- View your Job Scorecard to get clear on your role. Work with your manager to document the purpose of your role, your key responsibilities, and the skills, traits and competencies for success.
- Customize your Settings. Change your profile picture, edit your first and last name, sign up for email reminders, change your password, and check out dark mode from here.
- Access our Help Center. Search for helpful articles or submit a support ticket.
- You can also log out of the app from here.
Company Strategy
Get aligned with the big picture of what your company is all about. Click the building icon in the top header of the app to view your Company’s strategy information.
Tip: Check out our Strategy Glossary to learn more about the information on this screen.
Keep on top of what’s happening with your goals. Click the notification icon in the top right to celebrate successes, get tips when you’re struggling, and see reminders to update overdue tasks and goal status updates.
You can dismiss alerts when you’ve read them and click to view them again if you’ve dismissed them all. There will be a red indicator if there are any alerts you haven’t dismissed.
How to Add Goals
From the Goal Home screen, click the + in the lower right corner.
- Give your Goal a Name. It’s a best practice for well-written goals to start with a verb, since these are usually things you are actively doing. For example, “Achieve XYZ certification” or “Visit 10 prospective customers per week.”
Need help writing a clear, actionable goal name? Click on the Rhythm AI Coach iconto generate suggestions. Clicking it again will generate even more possibilities to help you easily write a goal.
- Establish Red-Yellow-Green success criteria. You should work with your leader on this to get aligned on what success looks like on each of your goals:
- Green: what is the goal?
- Yellow: between Red and Green
- Red: what is failure?
- Super Green: what is extra credit on this goal?
- Set Start and End Dates for the Goal. When will you start working on it, and when do you expect to finish it? We find that a quarter is a good time frame for most goals, but you can set these goals to anything you’d like.
- Completed - You can check this box when you’ve accomplished the goal!
- Private - If you’re working on some personal goals that should not be shared with your leader or team, you can check this box so nobody will see the goal but you.
- Hit Save and you’re done!
If you’ve added a Goal by mistake, you can always delete it by clicking the icon in the list and choosing “Delete from System.” You can edit the Goal from here as well if you want to change something later.
How to Update Goal Status
Once your Goals are entered, it’s easy to update them from the Goal Home screen.
- Click the “No Status” button
on your first Goal and tap the color based on the success criteria you wrote for each goal. If you are on track for success, you’d status Green. If something has you stuck, you’d status Red.
- Keep going down the list until you have updated all of your Job goals with a color. Then, click to your Growth & Project goals on the next tab and update those the same way!
If you’ve got Red or Yellow goals, those may need more work. Click on the name of the goal to pull up the detail screen. From here, you can make a Comment to let your manager know why you are stuck. You can also add Tasks with some specific steps to help get back on track.