Using Rhythm to collaborate on Priorities, KPIs, Tasks, and more can accelerate your decision-making and progress to achieve your goals and plans.
Note: This content reflects our Premium software's default features and labels. For any questions, please email
Why Use Comments
The teams that execute best are not only the most aligned, but are also able to make adjustments quickly. As much as we would like, we don’t have a crystal ball to see the future and create perfect plans. Circumstances change and we learn along the way as we execute our plans.
Collaborating in Rhythm allows you to make adjustments even faster as a team. You can use comments in Rhythm to share problems or insights as they come up throughout the week rather than waiting to discuss them in your Weekly Meeting. You can discover a struggling Priority or KPI, understand why, and work together to fix it. Teams that use collaboration identify and solve problems faster so they can adjust quickly and achieve their goals.
How to Use Comments
While there are many different screens where you can use comments in Rhythm, the features work in the same way.
Note: Anyone with access to view your Team in Rhythm can see comments that you make. Please keep this in mind if you have sensitive information to share.
Adding Comments
You can add comments on many items in Rhythm, including KPIs, Quarter Priorities, Tasks, Meetings, Feedback, and strategic items.
- From list screens, click on the Comment icon
and hit the + to add a new Comment. Choose who you want to receive a comment notification email by adding and removing names in the "Notify" section.
- From Goal or Meeting detail screens, scroll down to the Comment box on the summary page or choose the Comments tab to add comments.
- You can also make a comment that isn't associated with a specific item by going to Comments & Notifications in the left menu and hitting +.
Once you've added a comment, others can reply to create a thread with the most recent comments at the top.
When you add a comment, you can choose to send email Notifications to followers or others. If you want to receive comment notifications, you can choose to Follow an item by clicking "Follow" on the item summary or a whole Team by adjusting your User Settings.
Deleting & Editing Comments
If you've made a comment by mistake, you can hit the More Actions button to Edit or Delete the comment. You may only Edit or Delete your own Comments.
Note: If you edit or delete a comment after email notifications have been sent, the email will still reflect your original comment.