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Published February 01, 2018 at 08:27 AM

Execute For Your Core Customer

3 min read
3 min read
Picture of Patrick Thean

Patrick Thean
CEO of Rhythm Systems, CEO Coach and Serial Entrepreneur

I was recently preparing for an Annual Planning webinar, which is focused on making the right Execute for Your Core Customerdecisions every year, month, week and day. I am getting really excited as I think about how my core customers can benefit from this information.

My core customers:

  • are growing, adding people and have no lack of opportunities
  • they are the growth engines of our economy
  • they have more execution challenges versus strategy challenges.

When I was preparing - I asked myself these questions:

  • As they approach the spaghetti junction of opportunity, how do they make the best decisions on what to say yes to and what to say no to?  
  • How do I help them get more focused and aligned to their wonderful and bright futures?
  • How do I help them be equipped to feel confident that by saying "No" to various ideas and opportunities, that they are actually making themselves and their companies more successful, both in the near term as well as in the future?
This Annual Planning webinar, and all my future webinars are for you, my core customer. If other people enjoy it too, that's great! But I am building and teaching this webinar for you. At the spaghetti junction of content:
  • I have said "Yes" to focusing the webinar to a specific group of customers, that I refer to as my core customers. 
  • I have said "No" to content that other companies may find helpful, but that is less important for my core customers. 
This is one aspect of making the right decisions daily and weekly. 
Who is your core customer? Are you saying "Yes" to them by saying "No" to others?
win new

Looking for more resources on Core Customer? Check out these related posts:

What is the Difference Between Primary & Secondary Core Customer?

Define Your Core Customer to Develop a Winning Brand Promise (Video)

3 Steps to Identify Your Core Customer

Are Your Customers Happy? 8 Customer KPI Examples

Who Is Your Core Customer? (Video)

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Editor's Note: This post was originally published on Feb. 15, 2012 and has been updated.