
10 Things to Do Now from Jim Collins (Video)

Written by Tiffany Chepul | Fri, Jun 15, 2012 @ 10:57 AM

Blog by Tiffany Chepul, Rhythm System Rhythm Coach

One of my favorite speakers from the recent FORTUNE Leadership Summit was Jim Collins.  It was my first time seeing the best-selling author of Good to Great in person and he didn't disappoint! 


The most helpful takeaway from the Collins presentation for me was his list of 10 Things to Do Now:

1. Change your next big "What" question to a "Who" question.
2. Double your question to statements ratio in the next year.
3. Try to embrace Stockdale paradox - face the brutal facts.
4. Discover your personal Hedgehog.
5. Set your vision: Core Values, Core Purpose and BHAG.
6. Set your 20 mile march
7. Make a "Stop Doing" list
8. Turn off electronics for one day every 2 weeks.
9. Get a high return on your next luck event (good or bad).
10.  Strive to be useful not successful.

Which of these will you "Do Now?"