6. Schedule problem-solving meetings to resolve challenges not resolved in your weekly meetings so you can get back on track as quickly as possible. Do not let unresolved issues drag on.
7. Hold monthly leadership meetings with all the appropriate parties to review your strategic plans. Review your progress and make any needed adjustments. Make sure that these are cross-functional to encourage employee engagement.
“Only one in five organizations review execution monthly.” Bridges Strategy Survey Results
8. Set up a “Think Rhythm” to work on strategic items like winning moves, core customers, and brand promises, so you move the work along faster and don’t wait until your planning sessions to work on strategic items with free and open discussions. Consider hiring strategic planning facilitators to ensure you have the discussions needed to drive business growth.
9. Hold each other accountable for accomplishing what you set out to in your planning sessions and persevering toward success. Find paths forward and remove obstacles.
10. Develop a daily question to ask at your daily huddle that relates to your quarterly or annual theme to keep it front and center.
11. Digitize your strategy. A formal system to drive your execution goes a long way toward improving your performance. Rhythm Systems' strategic planning and execution software system can help you create and track your strategic plan to completion. We have a team of dedicated strategic planning facilitators to help you get the best ROI for your strategy meeting.
"70% of organizations that used a formal process to manage their strategy out-performed their peers." (Kaplan & Norton)
12. Share it with your Board to maintain an even higher level of accountability and commitment.
13. Lead by example. You may have heard the saying; a fish rots from the head down. Organizational leaders need to set the bar by creating leadership accountability and exercising good execution habits.
14. Incentivize your plans. Tie performance compensation to established targets and goals. Money may not be the number one motivator for people, but it helps.
15. Share your plans with the whole company. Use town halls, video conferencing, newsletters, or whatever works best in your situation, but communicate the plan to get everyone behind it and share the progress being made.
16. Celebrate your success. Do this throughout the quarter when you accomplish your goals and use quarterly themes to motivate and engage everyone in your company.
17. Hire a professional in-person strategic planning facilitator. If you decide to do it yourself, make sure you pick someone with the qualities of a good facilitator. Make sure that this is part of your 3-year strategic Plan for budgeting purposes to ensure that you get in the right rhythm for continued success.
This list gives you a few things to consider to keep your plans alive throughout the year. If you need help getting started, you can download our free one-page strategic plan template. You might also want to check out our article on strategic questions to ask in your strategic planning session. Please let me know what other strategies you have used.
Good luck and execute well, Alan
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The CEOs Strategy-Execution Gap...And How To Fix It
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9 Steps to a New Revenue Growth Strategy [Infographic]
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