THE JOURNEY TO CEO SUCCESS, Patrick Thean’s latest book, is now available. Learn more >

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The Rhythm System

All-in-one solution for your company’s growth


The Strategy Execution Test

Aligning your teams to your strategic plan and hitting goals efficiently should be your #1 priority.
Take this 5-minute quiz to see where your organization currently stands and what pain points may be hindering your ability to execute.

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THINK, PLAN, DO_Ver 2 (1)

Light BulbA Simple Methodology

Get Into a Repeating Rhythm

High-performing companies have a framework or system to which they commit to spending time working on their business, create a plan to achieve their strategic goals, and keep their organization accountable to executing that plan. Our powerful yet simple Think Plan Do® methodology empowers companies to stay focused, aligned, and accountable to their strategic goals.
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THINK about the business
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PLAN your execution
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DO the work
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Rhythm Systems Triangle LogoThink Plan Do® gives you Rhythm

The Rhythm of Work®

High-performance teams have a specific rhythm of work with intentional checkpoints to review what's working and what's not and where to make necessary adjustments. The meeting cadence starts with your long-term Strategic Planning and Annual Planning sessions that break down into execution-ready Quarterly Plans with specific and measurable goals. Weekly Adjustment Meetings replace status meetings and become your problem-solving meetings to keep your teams accountable to the quarter plan with speed. Ready to get into a Rhythm of Work®?
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Rocket (1)Coaching & Consulting

Effective Strategy & Habits


Having a productive planning session that results in an actionable plan isn't an easy feat. That's why we offer expert facilitation to help guide planning sessions, guaranteeing strategic and actionable plans that set you up for success. We also know the right performance habits are needed to execute great plans that drive real results. We offer proven performance workshops and Business or Executive Coaching so you are able to lead your company as it evolves.
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Bullseye-1Strategy Execution Software

Company-wide alignment and accountability


How do you keep your teams accountable to these plans and habits you've invested in? At the end of the day, execution is how the plan comes to life. This is why Rhythm Systems pioneered a single source of truth that gives the entire organization visibility into the strategic plan and how that plan breaks down into smaller goals that relate to them. Those goals need ownership and granular success criteria. Quarter over quarter and week over week. Ready to take action?
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Meet Patrick Thean

Entrepreneur, Speaker, CEO Coach, Best-Selling Author


Patrick Thean is a thought leader in strategic business execution and a successful serial entrepreneur who has started and exited multiple companies. He wrote the WSJ and USA Today best-seller book, "Rhythm: How to Achieve Breakthrough Execution and Accelerate Growth" which elaborates on the Think Plan Do® methodology.
As CEO and Co-Founder of Rhythm Systems, he is focused on helping CEOs and their teams experience breakthroughs to achieve their dreams and goals. 
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The system I’ve built is designed for high-growth companies and CEOs who are ready to
evolve as leaders and invest in their teams toward their next milestone of growth.

Patrick Thean, Entrepreneur, CEO Coach, Speaker, Author


Quarter over quarter, year over year, Rhythm Systems is a consistent winner of multiple G2 awards including:

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Rhythm Systems is a part of our client's DNA. Many of them have been with us for over 10 years, and each has their own success story to share.


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